EnK Paill Behaviours Index Page Web Avatars: Erasmus and Kinkajou Erasmus and Kinkajou

Dr XxxxxDR Xxxxx : Case 10: Comments 3

Has a conviction that she is “fat” and “ugly”: very sure of this

Here is the core belief of anorexia. “I am fat”. If the issue is looked at like this, this syndrome begins to look very much like obsession or even schizophrenia in some respects.

The patient is not obsessed by her thought. She simply believes her thought and acts on this belief.  The thought is not persistent or intrusive, just present. This means the thought or belief, is not an obsession.

The patient’s idea is often grounded on some external pressure or problem, so it is really not too bizarre in terms of belief. The belief may well have been triggered by some mundane event like a number of boys mocking her and calling her fat at some stage of her life. In terms of this, her belief in being fat, is in fact based on “reality’. A reality in which the importance of the comments that may have been made to her by the mocking boys, have lost their perspective. Ie everyone else around the girl says she is a good weight and is not fat. However, only the comments made by the mocking boys seem to be imprinted on her mind. So she is not “mad” or schizophrenic, as she has actually had some input from others to say that this idea (being too fat) is true.  The idea is intense and wrong, but she cannot overcome the feedback that  she has received in the past that says the idea is correct.

Second Wave Paill Spectrum disorders typically cause intense ideas to form, that are unable to be suppressed or controlled.

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