Model Paill Spectrum Entry

The radical new model pioneered by Dr. Xxxxx, that explains the causes of many medical conditions

that currently have no known cause.

Dr. Xxxxx proposes new treatments for these conditions, that are distinctly different from current medical opinions.

Welcome to this medical website with a focus on PaillSpectrum (Paill Spectrum). 

This website is designed to assist you in self-diagnosis.

Dr. Xxxxx's Model of Paill Spectrum: Symptoms

Diseases that PaillSpectrum may assist to develop include Paill Spectrum dyslexia, dyslexic, anorexia, loss of appetite, unusual depression, sad and tired all the time, abnormal behaviour, (behaviour), road rage, anxiety like symptoms, strange or bizarre thoughts, pains in shoulders or elbows, & stomach pain.  The site suggests treatments including nutrition, nutritional therapies, uses of vitamins, zinc and wheat free diets or celiac disease diets, exposure to sunshine, warmth, and heat in modifying disease. Physical therapies can give good results in the treatment of Paill Spectrum disorders, often as good as antibiotic treatments. PaillSpectrum (Paill Spectrum) clinically, is a bacteria. 

Dr. Xxxxx's Personal Work on Paill Spectrum:

Disease Mechanism & Treatment

This site discusses a number of medical conditions. Have you recently become ill? Can anyone tell you what is the cause of your illness? When you consult textbooks, doctors or other authorities, the most common explanation of why you are ill, is that the illness is an Act Of God. It just happened. There is no cause. Maybe its just a virus.

People become disenchanted with modern medicine for its lack of answers. Many people turn to natural therapies. These therapies strangely have an intensely loyal following of people who believe that this sort of treatment can deliver health benefits. If modern medicine is so good, why do so many people ridicule its effectiveness and turn away from its advice.

Perhaps the answer may lie in a new model of disease causation (namely Paill Spectrum). Common natural therapies include nutritional treatments or diets, vitamins, other supplements and, wheat free diets or celiac diets. Many people turn to these "strangely helpful" therapies in their quest for wellness.

The Paill Spectrum model discusses conditions such as:

Extreme Anger or Rage: Road Rage, Trolley Rage, Car Park Rage, Register Rage. Modern medicine would regard these people as simply bad people, a product of a bad upbringing. Yet their parents seem to be "nice" normal people. Often a mental condition is difficult to diagnose by existing medical criteria. Yet when you see these "angry" people on TV, doing "road rage", no-one is in any doubt just how crazy they really are.

Autoimmune disease: These conditions are always a diagnostic dilemma for doctors. The autoimmune diseases actually form a family of overlapping illnesses with overlapping diagnostic criteria. Different doctors will independently diagnose illnesses with different names over time. For the immune system whose effectiveness is crucial to the survival of the individual, to turn against itself, is indeed a genetic disaster that one would have expected to have been weeded out of the gene pool over the last few thousand years. Ever see many of your family pets come down ill with lots of strange diseases that everybody has trouble describing let alone diagnosing. Still why do some doctors promote nutritional and heat or sunbake therapies for Multiple Sclerosis? Why should treatments that stimulate immunity often work as well as treatments that suppress immunity in the therapy of multiple sclerosis? Why do so many people on steroids or cytotoxics continue to require their medication dosages to be increased?

Atypical chest pains (non cardiac or not “due to your heart” pains, usually felt as "sharp chest pains" of short duration): It is nice to know it is not your heart that is causing your illness. Still when you are faced with bills for several thousand dollars worth of medical investigations, it would be nice to know what really is wrong with you and how you can treat it. Maybe it really is "normal", to have all these symptoms, but then why don't all the other normal people get sick with these symptoms? Also why do these symptoms often keep recurring and fail to go away? Few people having "sharp chest pains", ever find out what is wrong with them.

Abnormal behaviour: irritable mood, moody, impulsive: You hear of many people who say that the partner that they divorced or separated from, is "mad". Everyone nods sympathetically, but perhaps these people are telling the exact truth about the experience of living with these people and their abnormal behaviour. Being moody, having angry and impulsive behaviours are the things that often only a person's intimates become familiar with.

Domestic Violence and Anger, Aggressive: Society says you can control behaviour and you can learn different non-violent behaviours. True, education does work , but why sometimes do antibiotics and vitamins, as may be prescribed by a naturopath. If these people have just learned bad habits, nutrition as a treatment just does not make sense. In the domestic violence arena, the culprit may be the victim if you consider Paill Spectrum.

Weird people and co-workers with no memory or poor concentration: These people do amazing things, like they do on the Jerry Springer TV show. They become lost on the way home. They get lost in shopping centres. They forget completely about the most blatant events in their lives. They always lose their keys and lock themselves out of their house or car. Maybe they really are just disorganised. Perhaps there are other explanations for failed relationships. The people on Jerry Springer seem to almost forget that they are in a public place. Bad Memory?

Adolescent behaviours: Is it really inevitable that adolescents exhibit violent and pathological behaviours? Why especially do the kids doing badly at school seem to show the worst behavioural disturbances and the worst learning problems? Do they just need more discipline?

Anxiety or anxiousness: (Experienced by some people as jitters and shakes, being sleepless,Are these people really just the weak and pathetic druggies that society believes them to be? Could they actually have a medical problem that drives them to seek solace in sedative medicines that they so frequently take in quantity? The affected sufferers believe that there is something wrong with themselves. Why doesn't everyone else? Anxiousness affects many people's ability to live their lives in many ways.

Depression: sadness, badness: Once you are labelled as depressive, many doctors and psychiatrists wipe you off and stop listening to whatever problems you mention. Perhaps you really do need to just think more positively and perhaps it will all go away. Depression is becoming a greater focus of public health prevention and education, pity often their memories are also so bad.

Anorexia and its related symptoms and syndromes: See these people on TV. They look like they have a horrible disease like cancer. Yet the only problem is in their head. They just need to think straight. No, you are not fat. Why can't they understand that? Why is it so impossible for them to accept this simple idea? Is the current trend to view people with anorexia as just not eating enough, really a good explanation of what is going on?

ADD or ADHD, Hyperactivity in children: Modern medicine says drugs are good for these people. They should often be medicated with "speed-like" drugs. Yet why does all the research say that all these "good" drugs prescribed by the doctor, make no difference in the long term? Aren't they really helping you to get better? Hyperactive children are often very hard to diagnose as their behaviours may only be visible to their teachers and parents not their doctors.

Bad memory: lots of people tell you that they can't remember phone numbers like they used to when they were young. Is it all just that you are getting old? This can become hard to believe when you see a teenager just have absolutely no idea how to do maths at school. Old age arrived early perhaps? No maths brain? But their parents didn't have any problems as often as not, and neither do their children in the long-term.

Dyslexia: Most doctors and health practitioners have no idea how to diagnose this condition. A battery of complicated tests for speech and hearing are ordered. At the end of this, the only answer is that maybe its the education systems' fault or the parent fault. The affected child needs better education. Many children with dyslexia, are never recognised, diagnosed or treated.

Insomnia: Just take some sleeping tablets. That will fix this problem. By the way, you can't take these for more than two weeks( all benzos), as they will stop working. Then maybe you just need to drink more warm milk and count more sheep before you go to sleep? There isn't really anything wrong with these people is there? Insomnia affects many people in many different ways throughout their life.

On the opposite view, if you sleep too much, doctors will diagnose you with a hypersomniac disorder. Translated, this means you sleep too much. Profound! That why you pay the big bucks for a medical consultation.

Headaches: Headaches are a complex problem with many causes. A good doctor will help you a lot. Many of the descriptive terms such as "migraine" are used to describe the same symptoms, but actually may be due to many different causes.

Mad grandmas: Everyone hears about these people. They are quite mad, but the medicines don't seem to fix them. Their families become scared of the things grandma says, but often no-one seems to be able to do anything about the problem. Many doctors work on the principle that if you sedate them enough, they will stop saying all these strange things. Mad grandmas can often talk good sense if they want to.

Psychosis or Schizophrenia: It wasn't that long ago that parents of kids with schizophrenia were told it was due to the fact that they were bad parents. Perhaps there is a more mechanistic cause for these problems? The current theory is that it is all due to your bad brain receptors, but no one seems to be able to find or identify any "bad brain receptors". Could this condition be related to childhood Aspergers?

Dizziness: This one is an easy fix for most doctors. Just take some Stemetil. It is the medical equivalent of Panadol for headaches. But why does this problem keep recurring? Can't this be fixed? Why do doctors keep saying this is normal as you get older, yet many old people never get it, and many old people only experience this very occasionally? Why do so few people with dizziness, ever receive a diagnosis?

Epilepsy: Not much is known about the causes of epilepsy. Some people experience an aggressive downhill progression of their illness. Other people seem to stay well quite long term, for no obvious reason. Some children develop the problem soon after birth. Others develop epilepsy soon after a head injury. Some only years after a head injury.

Erectile Dysfunction: In medical school, prior to the appearance of phosphodiesterase inhibitors such as Viagra or Cialis or Levitra, erectile dysfunction was held to be a psychological problem. "There is nothing wrong with these men that a bit more spice and novelty in their sex lives won't fix." So many doctors do not take this problem seriously. Many doctors will not undertake any investigations. Even the point of view that doctors should at least make sure that an affected person's penile arteries are not corroding with atherosclerosis, is an anathema to many doctors. So is there anything more that can be done about this problem? Why? Is there an alternate theory to explain this problem?

Fibromyalgia: This is not really a diagnosis in many medical text books. Many doctors will not accept that Fibromyalgia even exists, even though many have at least heard of it, though probably not in their medical text books. There are no blood tests for Fibromyalgia and many doctors will not even agree as to what the clinical criteria of this illness are. The most common method of handling these patients is to tell them they have arthritis and to put them on some arthritis tablets. Strangely enough, this works. Also strangely, these people then find that over about three to nine months the medications seem to stop working for their Fibromyalgia or arthritis pain, and they remain as miserable as ever. The same comment often also applies to people given steroid or cytotoxic therapy.

Hair Loss: Every doctor knows that men lose hair, so if a woman is losing her hair it must be because she has too many male hormones (androgens). Spironolactone or Cyproterone are most commonly prescribed. The female patient never loses all her hair, obviously due to the excellent and insightful intervention of her endocrinologist. Strangely enough, if the women don't take these medications, they don't lose any more hair either. Why do doctors persist in this approach to intervention?

Obesity, Overweight, Fat, Weight Gain: You can only get fat if you eat too much and exercise too little, is standard medical theory. Look at all those people on TV programs like "The Biggest Loser". Statistics show that only 5% of these people keep their weight off by 5 years. 95% of patients who lose weight regain it. Are there stronger forces at play, affecting body metabolism? In medical terms, any fat person who can't lose weight by eating less and exercising more, is just a liar. This is the explanation most doctors believe. Do fat or obese people just have chronic fatigue?

Hypoglycemia: Most doctors confronted with some one who claims hypoglycemia, roll their eyes and wonder why they don't eat something to fix their problem. Is there really such a disease?

Pancreatitis like pains, Abdominal pains, Stomach pains: The best thing to do with these patients for most doctors is to refer them to a gastroenterologist or to a hospital for investigation. These tests are certainly very profitable for the gastroenterologist involved. Acid suppressing medicines are also very commonly prescribed, just in case they might do some good. Long term, patients learn not to bother seeing the doctor most of the time as nothing ever gets better no matter what treatment the doctor gives. Many patients drift off to naturopaths and alternative medicine practitioners who often develop a surprisingly loyal following amongst these people. Can't these people appreciate the true value of the scientific medical mind, and keep away from all those charlatans? Many stomach pains never get diagnosed.

Sore chest or elbows, presenting as a “Bone” pain, but similar to the leg pains experienced by children which disrupt sleep and are often described as "growing pains". It must be very reassuring to people to be told that their heart is OK or that things are just hurting because they are growing. This approach never seems to help anyone though.

Golfers elbow, Tennis elbow: Medically this is a very easy condition to treat. The patient has simply pulled their forearm muscles off the bit of bone at the elbow. A few weeks rest and they will be completely better. Strange though, many of these people continue to see the doctor with the same symptoms for years, never getting better. Same explanation goes for Sore tendons such as the hamstring tendons, Achilles tendons in the ankle, or foot tendons at the side of the foot. Doctors get upset as they feel people don't get better because they are lying about their activity and refusing to follow medical advice. Golfers elbow and tennis elbow are usually treated with intensive rest.

Sore hands: For many doctors this is an easy diagnosis. If a patient experiences sore hands they must have arthritis because the hands have lots of joints and lots of joints can hurt a lot. Doctors happily prescribe arthritis tablets with good success, at least for a while.

Sore tendons and muscles: In the shoulders, includes bicipital tendonitis, trapezius and deltoid muscle soreness. This problem is medically managed by :
ultrasound and Xray investigation
Referral to a physiotherapist
referral to a orthopedic specialist doctor.
In spite of all this excellent therapy, many of these patients still seem to be complaining of the same symptoms years later.

Being a good sportsman involves snap rapid judgements and often good balance. Do people whose lives are falling apart make good sportsmen or sportswomen? Could there be alternative explanations for "dry spells". Often these people are young robust and in sparkling health, so how can there be anything wrong with them, even if their hands do sweat a lot.

Pregnancy syndromes: a very contentious issue, the discussion here being based on theoretical grounds only. Still where do children with Cerebral palsy come from? What about children who develop epilepsy in the post birth (neonatal) period.

Theoretical case discussions of the appearance of Paill Spectrum Illnesses are presented.

Many medical conditions also have diagnostic criteria that allow the diagnosis of multiple medical conditions such as psychiatric diseases over the course of a patient’s illness. If one doctor is presented with the same patient and the same illness, they may in fact diagnose depression initially, anxiety later and finally bipolar disorder and perhaps even psychosis in the course of this same illness. It is obvious that the “predictive” value of the diagnostic criteria may be deficient. Just because a doctor can “label” or “diagnose” an illness, does not help the doctor to have any idea of what the patient is likely to experience in the course of their illness. The medical knowledge has very little “predictive” value.

Bad parenting, bad lives and inherent “weakness” are often suggested to patients as a cause for their problems. It is all your own fault. Perhaps there may be different explanations for many of these phenomena or symptoms.

The theory of Paill Spectrum Illnesses has been developed by a general medical practitioner working in family medical practice to provide a new possible explanation for many previously unexplainable illnesses. The doctor has been involved caring for sick and tired people, using holistic and nutritional therapies.

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